Upgrade to v12 from v11 , released Apr 2024. Free for Expedition purchases after 01/01/2023
You will need a new license for v12, enter your site code and details at checkout.
New features in Expedition v12
- Expedition x64
- Does not support: Garmin USB, Proudman, NV-Verlag, Maptech encrypted charts
- Charting
- Navionics SD cartography
- Many improvements to ENC charting
- Improvements to CMAP 4D
- Weather
- New Uber-GFS
- WRF upgrade
- ECMWF to 0.25 degrees
- NAM added to saildocs
- New grib shading and contouring
- Check for updates on startup
- Zoom in/out enhancements using scroll wheels.
- New Yellow Brick Race Tracker scheduler
- Updates to the world magnetic model
- Enhancements and impovements to
- Race Notes, incl basic import of Adrena Road Maps
- Sail crossover editing tools
- Route optimisation options and calculations
- Current calculations using damped variables
- Instrument interface updates and additions (Exocet etc)
- Start system calculations
- Many internal system updates improving overall efficiency.
Requires updated Microsoft redistributables from v11
Guide for installing Navionics+ with Expedition available HERE
Expedition Navigation Software upgrade to v12
Excluding VAT