How do you display Target Boat Speed when you are going upwind, and on the same instrument Polar Boat Speed when you are reaching (say >60deg TWA). My problem is that if I show Polar Boat Speed as the target, then as soon as I am 5deg off TWA, the Polar Boat Speed climbs and gives a false sense of security.
Is there a way of having this Target BSP be sensitive to this situation. (Same applies tacking downwind - I want the TWA and BSP to be optimum rather than 'dance' around as the TWA varies)
This is possible depending on your instruments.
If your system can receive channels from Expedition, then set up Alternating channels in Settings and send these to a Remote/External/User channel in your Instrument connections.
You have options for different sailing modes to show different Exp channels.
Here is an example I use a lot, by sending Alt0. Note the nesting of Alternating channels.
In this case if you send Alt0 to a display, it will show:
Reaching will send Polar Speed%
Downwind will send Alt1 (toggle between Target Speed and Target Angle)
Pre-start will send Time to Gun if Start Timer is running (to 00:00)
MOB will send Alt2 when MOB triggered (toggle between Range and Bearing to the active mark (MOB))
A 3 second toggling time for Timer 1 and Timer 2 (Alternating period (s)) is default but works well, and you may want to play with the TWA threshold for Target to Reaching angles.